Cannabis Shows Promise in Treating Female Orgasm Difficulties.

A groundbreaking new study has provided strong evidence supporting what many have long suspected - cannabis may be an effective treatment for women experiencing orgasm difficulties.

The research, which surveyed 387 women who use cannabis before sex, found significant improvements in orgasm frequency, ease, and satisfaction among those reporting orgasm problems.

Key findings include:

• 28.7% of women with orgasm difficulties were able to reach orgasm with cannabis, but not without it
• 34.7% found it easier to orgasm when using cannabis
• 16.8% reported being satisfied with their orgasms when using cannabis, but dissatisfied without it

This study corroborates 50 years of anecdotal evidence and speculation about cannabis helping women with orgasm issues, and shows the potential of cannabis becoming a more recognized treatment option.

Interestingly, the benefits were seen regardless of how long women had been using cannabis before sex. The study also found cannabis was particularly helpful for women with mental health diagnoses and histories of sexual abuse.

While not effective for all women, these findings open up exciting possibilities for treating female orgasm difficulties - a condition affecting up to 41% of women worldwide. The researchers call for further controlled studies to determine optimal dosages and usage.

This research adds to the growing body of evidence on cannabis' potential benefits for sexual health and function. As legalization spreads, it may pave the way for cannabis to become a recognized treatment option for female sexual dysfunction.