BOD gets approval for LONG COVID cannabis trial in the UK.

Clinical Trial Authorisation secured to commence UK-based trial intomedicinal cannabis efficacy on long-COVID.

BOD gets approval for LONG COVID cannabis trial in the UK.

Clinical Trial Authorisation secured to commence UK-based trial into
medicinal cannabis efficacy on long-COVID.

Bod Australia Limited (ASX: BOD) has secured Clinical Trial Authorisation
from the United Kingdom’s Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency  to commence an open label clinical trial in association with Drug Science UK   to explore the effectiveness of Bod’s medicinal cannabis product, MediCabilis® 5% on symptoms associated with the long term impact of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), commonly referred to as long-COVID.

The clinical trial will be led by Principle investigator, Dr Elizabeth Iverson and is being undertaken in collaboration with UK’s leading independent scientific body on drugs, Drug Science UK.

Long-COVID is an emerging condition referring to persistent or new symptoms that develop at least eight weeks following an initial COVID-19 infection.

Long-COVID may include the continuation of symptoms from when an
individual is first infected, or new symptoms where individuals feel they have improved and a month after being infected symptoms arise again.

Source: ASX release.