
If you're a Doctor looking for information about medical cannabis, we think that is a good thing and are happy to help you find some.

Photo by National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

If you're a Doctor looking for information about medical cannabis, we think that is a good thing and are happy to help you find some.

If you haven't already done so, head on over to the TGA site and take a look at their advice specific to medical cannabis and prescribers.

Following that, you might want to take a look at the HealthCanada site as they've been in the business of medical cannabis for a whole lot longer than our lot.

Here's a link to an article on NPS MedicineWise website about the Australian medical cannabis situation.

If you're on twitter, here's some Doctors who might be able to add value in your search for gaining more knowledge about cannabis.

Dr. David Caldicott. (@ACTINOSProject)

Dr. Peter Grinspoon. (@Peter_Grinspoon)

Dr. Fiona Hutton. (@hutton_dr)

Dr Julian Buchanan (@julianbuchanan)

Dr. Todd Subritzky (@mjsurveys)