Majority of Americans think homegrow should be legal.

“All adults should be allowed to grow their own cannabis alongside their fruits and vegetables, if they so choose, without the fear of financial or criminal penalties”

Majority of Americans think homegrow should be legal.

A new study of Americans 21 years and older, conducted online by Harris Poll, has shown strong support for the legal growing of cannabis at home.

59% of Americans now agree that Americans should have the right to legally grow cannabis at home.

“All adults should be allowed to grow their own cannabis alongside their fruits and vegetables, if they so choose, without the fear of financial or criminal penalties”

Shai Ramsahai, President of Royal Queen Seeds.

The nationally representative study, conducted in February 2024, surveyed more than 2,000 adults ages 21 and older, among whom 713 are cannabis consumers. Survey participants shared their thoughts on cannabis home grow laws as well as habits and purchasing patterns tied to 4/20, the largest cannabis sales day of the year. The results indicate continued normalization of cannabis in the U.S.

The study also showed:

  • 81% of cannabis consumers agree all Americans should have the right to grow at home
  • 62% of cannabis consumers would rather grow their own cannabis than buy it
  • 34% of cannabis consumers who have grown at home do so because they feel safer consuming their own home-grown flower compared to store-bought cannabis
  • 37% of Americans (21+) agree that they would consider buying cannabis seeds as a gift for someone on 4/20
  • 66% of cannabis consumers agree that they would consider buying cannabis seeds as a gift for someone on 4/20
  • 81% of cannabis consumers who plan on growing this year agree that they plan to buy cannabis seeds on 4/20 for themselves
  • 49% say home growing gives them a sense of confidence; 48% a sense of joy; 46% a sense of pride; 34% a sense of ease; 44% a connectedness with nature or Earth
  • 47% say they do so because it is fun
  • 43% said it is more cost-effective than buying cannabis flower in a store
  • 39% said the quality of the flower is better compared to store-bought
  • 26% of cannabis consumers have grown at home
  • 21% who have not grown at home would like to try
  • 56% of cannabis consumers who have grown cannabis at home admit to singing or playing music for their cannabis plants
  • 61% who plan to grow cannabis at home this year plan on growing in Spring (March-May); 49% in Summer (June-August); 24% in Fall (Sep-Nov); 29% in Winter (Dec-Feb)
  • 61% who plan to grow cannabis at home this year say they will grow cannabis from seeds; 21% from clones or seedlings
  • 44% who plan to grow cannabis at home this year say they will grow indoors; 33% outdoors

This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Royal Queen Seeds from February 15-20, 2024, among 2,024 adults ages 21 and older, among whom 713 consume cannabis (i.e., cannabis consumers). The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 2.5 percentage points using a 95% confidence level.

Original PR here.