Work begins with local contractors on medicinal cannabis facility near Collie.

Work has begun on a medicinal cannabis facility near Collie, W.A.

Work begins with local contractors on medicinal cannabis facility near Collie.
"The medicinal cannabis industry is rapidly growing and Western Australia is well placed to compete in that industry." - Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan.

Work has begun on a medicinal cannabis facility near Collie, W.A.

Cannaponics Limited is creating a cultivation, extraction, processing and distribution facility for the rapidly growing medicinal cannabis industry.

The McGowan Government has allocated $2 million from the Collie Futures Industry Development Fund to support the project.

Cannaponics' 160-acre property will be the home to a 3,600sqm greenhouse and a 2,000sqm manufacturing facility.

Cannaponics will create approximately 50 jobs during the 12 months of construction, and is expected to become a multi-million dollar enterprise, with flow-on effects to benefit Collie's economy.