A handy guide to Australian potstocks.
So anyway, it is always pain trying to find/remember all of them, so I've made a listicle to make it easy for everyone. Here's your current list of Australian listed potstocks.
So anyway, it is always pain trying to find/remember all of them, so I've made a listicle to make it easy for everyone. Here's your current list of Australian listed potstocks.
Gallop polls
The poll result for the question framed around support for the legal use of Marijuana is now sitting at 70%. This represents a massive shift in the past six decades from 12% to 70%.
NTI164 is a proprietary drug formulation derived from a unique cannabis strain with low THC (M<0.3%) and a novel combination of cannabinoids including CBDA, CBC, CBDP, CBDB and CBN.
humboldt seed company
"This seed release has been a long time coming," - Benjamin Lind, co-founder and chief science officer of Humboldt Seed Company.
In reply to a question from 3AW's Neil Mitchell if he's ever done weed, the Prime Minister said that he would "take the fifth".
Incannex Healthcare Inc. (NASDAQ: IXHL) has redomiciled Incannex Healthcare from Australia to the United States, November 28, 2023 New York time (November 29, 2023 Melbourne time).
"Marijuana smokers had better outcomes and mortality compared to non-users."
In a nutshell, the project is about “Releasing the potential of feathers to foster circularity in agriculture”.
One Nation
The Bill is called, The Statutes Amendment (Medical Cannabis Defence) Bill 2023.
Despite having Labor governments in nearly all Australian states and territories, none have sought to try and move the needle on homegrow to help patients.
Cann Group has announced today that Peter Koetsier has been appointed to the role of Chief Executive Officer.
Here's my list of Australian cannabis predictions for 2023. Make of them what you will, and in a year we'll re-visit and see how many (if any) of them are correct.
It should also be allowed to freely traded and gifted, an approach which was demonstrated best by the example set by Thailand when the government freed 3000 cannabis prisoners and gave away one million cannabis plants.
Today is the first time an amnesty provision has been voted on, in either house of an Australian Parliament.
Bunevacz claimed that he had a longstanding relationship with a Chinese manufacturer of disposable vape pens and he obtained “raw pesticide-free oil”
MediCann Health
The company had a pre-valuation of $51.09M and a share price of $0.35.